Category Archives: design

Soft Focus Is Not My Forte…

This post is mainly about smoke & mirrors, angles & perceptions. Masks. Being different people. From the 1960’s male maths teacher to the 1960’s bombshell girl. The 1700’s man dressed as a French whore to the 1980s mom of a teenage son to the teenage son! My stint as a live sex show/burlesque worker or the naughty librarian. Wanting to be seen as funny, not sexy. Sexy makes me laugh. Pondering how people’s minds work & if we’re all really the same, but we just don’t speak about it.

Continue reading Soft Focus Is Not My Forte…

Get Your Ray Guns Ready…

This post is about time. I’m figuring out lost time. Figuring out where time has gone. People’s needs for time. The time I’ve taken in wondering. The time it takes to stop a process. Have the times really changed? The time it takes to pinpoint myself. Even the time it takes for something French to become American.

Continue reading Get Your Ray Guns Ready…

Of Serial Killers & Bikini’s…

I find that all I did in this post was write about serial killers… & you guessed it, bikini’s. You wouldn’t think that the subject matter would jive, but it kind of does. Perhaps it’s because I’m on the hunt for a bikini currently & everything is porno wear I’m finding. What goes better with serial killers than naked ladies… & hunting.

Too soon? or just too cheesy? Oh well… that’s where my mind wandered. Besides serious (& seriously funny, I think) bikini shop talk, I’m discussing films, documentaries, & a book all related to that weird train wreck we like to drive by slowly & stare down with mouths agape; serial murder.

Continue reading Of Serial Killers & Bikini’s…

I Liked Tantamount…

I try to understand the guy mind, without much success. There’s also gnome finding, churro making, a visit to Harry Potter Land (but not real Harry Potter Land), some really great names, & the music I listened to, non stop, this year, & apparently my odd voice & speech patterns will be discussed.

Also, yes, Back To The Future is one of my all time favourite films, so when I saw the pop centric tarot card for The Chariot, I knew it would be my intro pic for this blog post.

Continue reading I Liked Tantamount…

Die Hard Is NOT You’re Christmas Film…

This post is all about Christmas shenanigans. See, Willow & I really wanted to decorate The Sisters’ room for Christmas. I also wanted to remake her bed. Two things she’s very particular about & never says yes to. She said yes this time & Willow & I had SO much fun. Even The Sister said, “It’s not what I would have done, but it’s perfect! I love it!”

So, let’s take a tour of the decked halls of The Faerie Tree House, shall we?

Continue reading Die Hard Is NOT You’re Christmas Film…

Jet Powerplant Repair & Other Tales…

No, this post is not about Bundy, but I saw this today & it made me laugh for like a good five minutes. I mean, what the fuck?! That guy was cuckoo-ka-choo crazy. Washing paper plates… for fuck’s sake. Though I’m sure he had other things on his mind. Anyways, that’s my lead in, but this post is about art & books. So, have a good laugh, & we can move on.

Continue reading Jet Powerplant Repair & Other Tales…

A Day Full Of Type…

I opened my messenger today, chequing for distress signals from my dad in case the car gave out, but to my surprise I found that my friend has spammed me with old newspaper clippings. She’s got a free trial to some website & after chequing her family’s names, she started chequing mine. Which is good now I have more emphera from my dad’s jewelry business.

Continue reading A Day Full Of Type…

Mississippi Flag: Round 1

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If you weren’t aware, Mississippi was the last state with a blatantly obvious salute to the Confederacy in their state flag.  The house recently put it to a vote to remove the flag and come up with a new one.

I’d initially thought they would just create a committee that would come up with a few designs and we’d all vote on it in November.  But they created the committee to review designs submitted by Mississippians and they’ll narrow it down, with our help, & make the final selection for the November voting.

So, all the flags submitted are up for voting.  It’s round one.  We can vote for up to 25.  The one’s with the most hearts will move on to round two.  Of course I voted.  I didn’t find 25 that were worth hearting, so it’s only 15.  Some were good if they’d just had a bit more tweaking, most were really cringe-worthy.

So which one’s did I vote for?

Continue reading Mississippi Flag: Round 1

Are some of these design elements really so bad…?

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Stumbled upon this slide article from delish; 30 Outdated Home Trends That We Hope Never Come Back.  While there are some things on the list I agree with, others I have stipulations about.

Continue reading Are some of these design elements really so bad…?