Category Archives: scifi

Name Dropping Peter Weller…

I did say that I was going to talk about my weird fascination with Peter Weller & here we are.

No, it’s not his perky lips, which is why he was hired for the role in Robocop (considering that’s mostly what you’d see) & it’s not that his acting was that great. But I keep name dropping him & I’m not sure why. Is it that his name seems cool?

Continue reading Name Dropping Peter Weller…

They Live…

Watched the 1988 sci-fi/horror film They Live (which this post is from last Spring, so…). Lil’ Small would constantly reference it, which led me to really want to watch it. But I’m either decades too late for it, or it just wasn’t that good to begin with, or simply doesn’t hold up well now.

Continue reading They Live…