Tag Archives: men

That Chaotic Male Energy…

I find I think about this a lot, how men male energy really does make life worth living. But then that might only be because I find myself in that headspace more often then in Girl Land. I’m thinkin’ there aren’t a lot of ladies thinkin’ this way about men. In fact, most of the time I don’t understand where gals are comin’ from in regards to the fella’s.

This post is rambling & I think I’m funny, but whatever. Let’s get on with it, right?

Continue reading That Chaotic Male Energy…

I Have Trouble Speaking…

No, it’s true. I don’t know why, but it’s a “cat got your tongue” sorta deal. Really, I find that I just don’t want to speak, but the situation somehow warrants it & then no words seem to want to flow. Perhaps it’s a wise move? I’m not certain.

Continue reading I Have Trouble Speaking…

Outrunnin’ Bears…

This man vs bear thing is going around & honestly I was unhip to what it was about. I had an inkling of a general idea when I saw something pitting the bears against serial killers, but it wasn’t until someone mentioned “women’s safety” as the thing in question did I go & read up on what it meant.

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Feast On The Corpses of the Men Who Do This To Our Daughters…



I stumbled across this image a few days ago.  This image brought up a lot of things in me.  For one, I’m not big on negativity, so just because one side does it, doesn’t mean the other side should.  So the “Feast on the corpses” part is a bit much for me.  Besides the whole line is a bit biased.

I will agree that Western Civilization has pretty much always been a man’s world.  It has been men who have always dictated how they wanted their women to act; how to dress, who to be, etc.  And that’s always been the problem.  Their women, like they own all of woman kind.  No one really owns anything but themselves.  But, try telling that to history… or the present day for that matter.

So, I’ll agree that it is men who are running the show; creating advertisements on the “perfect” and ideal woman.  They’ve always told masses of women that they are less than and not good enough.  Historical fashion is a huge area; fashions were created for women, by men, to accentuate what they found sexually appealing at the time.

Continue reading Feast On The Corpses of the Men Who Do This To Our Daughters…