
Dream Time: The Hummingbirds & The Rocket Ship

I know there was more in the beginning, but I only remember, now, it starting in a house. Some house from the 50’s that had seen better days. Very basic mid-century modern with the lines.

It felt like we’d gotten back from a long trip & the homeowner, some guy I didn’t know with blonde hair, hadn’t arrived yet, but we could be there waiting for him.

I was looking in drawers for something & the first one I opened had clean kitchen towels, but it was kitchen adjacent. I thought it was weird for the look of the house & the guy to have such clean things. Also thought it was weird that they weren’t in the kitchen, but in this built-in unit away from the kitchen.

Opened another drawer & it was kind of gross. Some dirty pet blanket, a cat toy & cat food. ‘Oh no… does he have a cat…? Did she need to be fed…? Please tell me she’s not… dead…’

And I stopped looking in drawers & then a cat appeared. A cute tiger girl cat. She looked slightly rough, like she’d been a rescue, but otherwise she was fine. I picked her up to hold her & she allowed it. Enjoyed it even. Then someone else arrived or moved into the room & she jumped from my arms & into the fireplace to escape. It was rundown & huge & dark & she scurried through a hole in the back.

Someone from behind me said, “Well, that fireplace can’t be used…”

Then things started darting out of that fireplace. They were hummingbirds. Like seven or so. They flew towards me, chirrupping & landed lightly on my face, on my cheeks & a few in my hair.

“Oh my God, Sarah! You have hummingbirds all over you!!!”, said Lil’ Small in hushed excitement so as not to startle them.

They alighted & then repositioned themselves on my head. Then they were done hanging out & flew away back into the fireplace & out of the house.

We were in the foyer living room/den area, but suddenly there was a pool in the slightly sunken den area. There was a little girl there. I’m not sure if she was me or aspects of me, because she didn’t look like me, but kind of felt like me in ways. She handed me this package & I thought at first it was a beach ball. She wanted me to blow it up, but said no words.

“I’m not sure if I can. We’ll see if I’ve got enough air for this.”

To my surprise I had A LOT of air in my lungs. That beach ball was filling up FAST. Only, then it turned out to be a float, in the shape of a rocket ship. It was from the 60’s, but was in excellent condition & I knew it wouldn’t explode or anything. So many details that I kept noticing.

The float was red & there was a separate hole to blow up for the head pillow part that was see-through red. It had blue rocket ship wings on the side & all this decoration on the topside of the float in terrazzo patterning. Planets, the moon, a rocket ship, stars. In blues & silvers, greens & blues, & shades of pink & red. It was really cool & after each bout of blowing, I’d admire the art.

When I finished I handed it over to her & she jumped into the pool & started playing.

Lil’ Small barely listened when I was relaying this dream, until I started talking about the hummingbirds. “Oh my god, Sarah that’s awesome!” – yep that’s what you said in the dream. And we laughed. Then she perked up, but was bored about the rocket ship floaty.

She only said to use that hummingbird magic to manifest everything that I need! Otherwise, I’ve got nothing. I have no clue what this dream would mean & I’m pretty certain that a dream dictionary, again, can not help me.

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