Category Archives: design

The Things You Learn… From Boobs…

I was reading an article the other day, Strange Things You Learn When You Don’t Wear A Bra For A week. The validity of the article flew out the window right from the get-go. Two reasons. Sizing & sagging. Which we’ll get to.

This is my own Social Science Experiment on going braless & not it isn’t titillating (yeah, see what I did there?). Anyway. Lot of things to unpack & for an experiment that didn’t go well, it ended up surprisingly alright.

Let’s read more, shall we? Come on!

Continue reading The Things You Learn… From Boobs…

Soy Una Nerd…

I obtained a lot of new clothes recently. Grab bags full of fancy, expensive clothing that Lil’ Small picked up on the cheap. Clothing I’ve altered & paired weird outfits together. Channelled my inner 1980’s hooker (twice!) & Lil’ Small literally gave me the clothes off her back.

So, it’s a fashion montage! How fun! Ready? Let’s go!

Continue reading Soy Una Nerd…

Are You Kenough?…

Yes, I went to see Barbie today & yes, I did dress up. Apparently my state really digs Barbie & had a lot to say about this. I also discuss Barbie versus Woman, Barbie sex, & Serial Killer Ken. Really? Serial Killer Ken? Yes, I went there. But when do I not.

But let’s read on, shall we?

Continue reading Are You Kenough?…

Behind The Human Façade…

This post is about witches & demons & the scary things that go bump in the night… including myself.

Also what constitutes as truly scary or evil. Using discernment in these situations. Using your guts. Freedom versus chains. Perhaps there is no conundrum & things are just as they should be…

Continue reading Behind The Human Façade…

I’ll Make A Trekkie Outta You…

Lil’ Small & I are watching TOS (ya know, Star Trek). It was completely her idea too. She wanted to watch all of it. See what I thought to be a good episode versus one that isn’t so good. And she’s enjoying it. She, ugh, digs the ’70s, & since we were watching this & I saw this, I sent it to her. But lets dive in, shall we?

Continue reading I’ll Make A Trekkie Outta You…

Others See Me As Sound…

This post goes weird. I start out talking about my panties & end up discussing the similarities & differences in drawings of my childhood home. What’s in the middle? Childhood ephemera, my shorts, psych tests for fun, Meine Bruder, shenanigans, & woodland creatures.

Continue reading Others See Me As Sound…

The Films…

Saw this thing about films. A questionnaire, where people are supposed to ask me the question & I answer. Only, that’s not how I wanted to do this. So, I’m just answering them. Per usual, I don’t follow the rules & there’s probably some surprising answers. Even my older sister, Lil’ Small, was surprised by some.

I tried to not make this post too long & also I’m rubbish at answering questions. My mind completely blanks & yes, I did have to go & look up answers until something sparked. “Ah-ha yes!”. Funny, but true. So, let’s get to it, right?

Continue reading The Films…

Oh Look! A Time Travel Post!

I saw this thing about 40 Things Every House in the 70s Had That No One Sees Today. I have comments, of course. I mean, how old is this person? Twelve right now? Because while they hit some very good points, I feel like some were just fantasy. What they imagine all 70’s houses were like… which just isn’t true.

Though I didn’t live in that decade, I do live in a home built in the 70’s. That one up there, in fact, & my entire family is basically from that decade (Meine Bruder was born in 69.). And I’ve also been in a lot of 70’s homes, where the people set up home in that decade or else moved their (60’s & 70’s) possessions into that home in the 80’s.

I do feel, that in a round-about way, I am pretty qualified to discuss this. I will also discuss things I feel should have been on the list, as well as the things that were on the list. So, let’s dive right in, shall we? And bonus! There’s photos! All family photos or one’s I took just for this post. You know you’re excited. Admit it.

Continue reading Oh Look! A Time Travel Post!

I don’t think that Jives…

I’m always seeing memes about what people think the 80’s looked like vs the total sea of brown & gold of the era. They’re not wrong. I mean, I was there, man. As evidenced by the above photo. Sure there was neon & bright colours, but it wasn’t in home furnishings or even really the clothing. It was in items or iconography or accessories. Or later in the decade, crazy sets or intros to telly shows like Saved By The Bell. That wasn’t real life.

But this post isn’t really about furnishings in the 80’s. It’s about some collage I saw where I think the person, well… doesn’t know anything about the decade first hand. Sure, I lived in podunk-ville Mississippi & was only born near the end of 1980, so I’m sure others (people older than me) have different experiences & perspectives. But if I can recall the 80’s with pretty great clarity… then I’m thinking that this person wasn’t even born in the 80’s at all.

Continue reading I don’t think that Jives…