Category Archives: dreams

Warm Up Your Vocals & Know Your Signs…

In this exciting installment, yours truly, will instruct you on how to sing. And that is indeed yours truly, from Christmas 1984, singin’ my little heart out, much to my mothers dismay. I feel I’m qualified since I’ve been rockin’ out since I can remember. All the time.

You can keep reading, but really the answer is freedom. Curious? Let’s get started then, shall we!

Continue reading Warm Up Your Vocals & Know Your Signs…

It’s Not All Paranormal…

Oh wait… it actually is. I just can’t quit it. I have a strange life, there’s no denying it. Even when I thought things were rather normal, I’ve had numerous people tell me that my life is far from normal, even if that far from normal isn’t paranormal related. Perhaps it’s how I choose to see life, perhaps it’s just past influences, perhaps it’s just how I was born. I’m gonna go ahead & say it’s all three &, well… my life certainly isn’t boring. I’m also glad, in the grand scheme of things, that this is my life this go around.

Continue reading It’s Not All Paranormal…