Category Archives: fun

That Chaotic Male Energy…

I find I think about this a lot, how men male energy really does make life worth living. But then that might only be because I find myself in that headspace more often then in Girl Land. I’m thinkin’ there aren’t a lot of ladies thinkin’ this way about men. In fact, most of the time I don’t understand where gals are comin’ from in regards to the fella’s.

This post is rambling & I think I’m funny, but whatever. Let’s get on with it, right?

Continue reading That Chaotic Male Energy…

Name Dropping Peter Weller…

I did say that I was going to talk about my weird fascination with Peter Weller & here we are.

No, it’s not his perky lips, which is why he was hired for the role in Robocop (considering that’s mostly what you’d see) & it’s not that his acting was that great. But I keep name dropping him & I’m not sure why. Is it that his name seems cool?

Continue reading Name Dropping Peter Weller…

They Live…

Watched the 1988 sci-fi/horror film They Live (which this post is from last Spring, so…). Lil’ Small would constantly reference it, which led me to really want to watch it. But I’m either decades too late for it, or it just wasn’t that good to begin with, or simply doesn’t hold up well now.

Continue reading They Live…

Play Toad In Real Life…

Lil’ Small has a few Frog & Toad books from her childhood. I never had Frog & Toad books. Didn’t really read hers growing up, because she didn’t allow this, as they were some of her favourites, & were given specifically to her, not to the both of us.

I did read hers a few years ago & enjoyed them. I also figured she should have the other books to fill in her collection, so I purchased two online.

Long story short. I didn’t technically grow up with these & that was a fast read through a few years ago. She doesn’t want the two I got for her, so I read them again to see if I wanted them. I didn’t. But two stories made me LAUGH… because I am Toad. Incidentally they both revolve around food.

So, buckle in, it’s gonna be like Reading Rainbow… but Sarah style. You’ve been warned.

Continue reading Play Toad In Real Life…

Soy Una Nerd…

I obtained a lot of new clothes recently. Grab bags full of fancy, expensive clothing that Lil’ Small picked up on the cheap. Clothing I’ve altered & paired weird outfits together. Channelled my inner 1980’s hooker (twice!) & Lil’ Small literally gave me the clothes off her back.

So, it’s a fashion montage! How fun! Ready? Let’s go!

Continue reading Soy Una Nerd…

The Tale of Involuntary Verbs…

This post is all over the place. But then I think that a photo I snagged off the internet of Elvis & Bigfoot ridin’ The Loch Ness Monster pretty much sums it up about right. I’m touching on a lot here. From lamp posts, to men vs women, to my teenage boy self, to the ’80’s, to serial killers & cannibalism, to 70’s metal, to sexy mostly naked ladies.

Continue reading The Tale of Involuntary Verbs…

Are You Kenough?…

Yes, I went to see Barbie today & yes, I did dress up. Apparently my state really digs Barbie & had a lot to say about this. I also discuss Barbie versus Woman, Barbie sex, & Serial Killer Ken. Really? Serial Killer Ken? Yes, I went there. But when do I not.

But let’s read on, shall we?

Continue reading Are You Kenough?…

Tales From The Crypt…

This post kind of connects with my last one on façades. It’s about being too much, making people uncomfortable, true natures, religion, Devil Magicks, serial killers, & you know the drill. This is all over the place, but it does have a central theme.

What am I even?

Continue reading Tales From The Crypt…

Behind The Human Façade…

This post is about witches & demons & the scary things that go bump in the night… including myself.

Also what constitutes as truly scary or evil. Using discernment in these situations. Using your guts. Freedom versus chains. Perhaps there is no conundrum & things are just as they should be…

Continue reading Behind The Human Façade…

For Your Little Hellion…

This post is all over the place. How to boy, childhood shenanigans, clothing faux pas & messages, & how to not ask for help.

Continue reading For Your Little Hellion…