The Tale of Involuntary Verbs…

This post is all over the place. But then I think that a photo I snagged off the internet of Elvis & Bigfoot ridin’ The Loch Ness Monster pretty much sums it up about right. I’m touching on a lot here. From lamp posts, to men vs women, to my teenage boy self, to the ’80’s, to serial killers & cannibalism, to 70’s metal, to sexy mostly naked ladies.

But where would be with me & my thoughts. Oh wait, we did that already. OK… frivolous thoughts. Saw this the other day, & well, people can have their own preferences, but that first picture creeps me out. That street lamp seems way too ghosty for my personal tastes. Not my style at all, man. But that second one… is it just because I’m used to it, is it pretty in its simplicity, or is it strictly that it doesn’t seem ghosty. Or is it all three? Because I’m much rather see that one around than the first one.

Asked Lil’ Small this question that popped into my head while we were in the mall a week or so ago. It’s because we passed a jewelry store. I know my take on jewelry, but I’d never asked her. But she said she’d finish answering because we were enter Bath & Body Works where she could get something free & buy some stuff during their sale, so that was top priority.

The question was basically that if she had a fella, would she want gifts of jewelry from him? Or since we were always given jewelry (since our dad was a jeweler) would that not interest her.

If you haven’t read where I’ve talked about this before, about myself, I’ll summarize. As I just said dad used to be a jeweler. As in fine jewelry, as in his own business. Because money was tight, because people weren’t just lining up to purchase this item, a lot of our gifts from dad were things he’d make for us, because he already had the material on hand.

I am not a fan of jewelry. I don’t know if it’s because I grew up surrounded by it, or if I would have always been this way, but I have plenty of jewelry to satisfy my twelve year old, part crow, love of shiny things. Way too much, since I wear the same things over & over again & only one is real jewelry.

So, I’m not someone that wants to go out & purchase jewelry or to have it purchased for me as a gift.

Lil’ Small’s answer surprised me, & also didn’t. If you read this post, you’ll see she’s kind of a typical girl in dress & attitude, which is why it didn’t surprise me. She said she always wanted her boyfriends to purchase jewelry for her & nice things like that (as a teenager & into her early thirties), because that’s what all the other boyfriends did for their girlfriends. Now, though, she wouldn’t really want gifts of jewelry.

I didn’t ask her about gifts of flowers or furs or silver or whatever, but I’m sure if it’s not the same, as in used to wanting them, but now we doesn’t, then it was she used to want these things & still does.

Anyways, my idea on gifts like this are, “Nah, I’m good.”. No one would have to buy me flowers. He could if he just really wanted to, but I’d rather have flowers from the yard that he picked… but only if he felt moved to do that. Furs, I don’t dig. I even already have one, & we just keep it because we have the closet space & what if we have a mini ice age, plus Lil’ Small loves furs & insisted on keeping it. Fine. Just as long as it doesn’t have to be in my space.

Since dad was a jeweler, he actually did a lot of bartering. Older ladies coming in, not wanting their fine silver or china or crystal sets & bartering for pieces of already made jewelry in the showcase or for him to make things for them. Needless to say, because of this, I have a china & a crystal set (ya know, fine dining sets), a set of fine silverware, silver candle sticks, & all that jazz.

Actually, I do have my own bartered china & crystal set, but my maternal grandmother (who wasn’t related to me because mom was adopted, but I was named after her), left her set of china & crystal to me, so I have that instead of the bartered one.

It’s fine enough, but what do I really like? Mrs. Mittman’s China, which is its own story. It’s not fine china (we just call it this) & my grandmother used it for her everyday stuff. Some lady she knew, named Mrs. Mittman, gave it to her. It’s white with light blue designs of fleur de lis’ on it. It’s been to hell & back & you can’t even really use the coffee cups & saucers because they have cracks in them.

But I’ve already thought about it & if I were to move away, would I take any of that fancy stuff with me? You bet I wouldn’t. I might keep the crystal flower vase that has a K on it from my grandmothers crystal set, but that’s it. I don’t want the crystal candle stick holders or the silver one’s. I’ll take the place pewter ones that I like so much & the enamel inlaid one’s that Lil’ Small got for me at a yard sale that are from India, because they’re cool.

I do like my grandmothers crystal set though. I mean her china was her grandmothers’ & has roses on it & was made in Austria, so that’s cool. But my grandmother was so old, being born in 1909, getting married in the late 30’s, that her set is so… old fashioned. It comes with a crystal ice tea pitcher & a crystal cream & sugar, AND crystal salad plates. You know for that ladies luncheon deal that people don’t have anymore.

But I still wouldn’t keep it if I moved house. I don’t need it. We just keep it because why not? I wouldn’t even take Mrs. Mittman’s China either.

Whereas Lil’ Small wants all the fancy stuff. The china, the crystal, the silver, the furs. I mean, we do have Persian carpets because they were inherited from my maternal grandmother (who purchased them from my aunt) or gifts from my aunt (who dealt in Persian carpets). I’m saying, we never purchased any, they were all gifts, except the one I purchased at a yard sale. Some of those I would certainly take with me, because those are my kind of thing. It’s not even like they are nice, as in some wealthy person would pay a pretty penny for them or they’d sell for thousands upon thousands of dollars at Christie’s or something.

No, but they are nice because they are real & it’s fucking art, man. But does anyone have to purchase me one? No. They could, but only if it was real & at some yard sale for like $20. Hell, the real Turkish rug I have on my wall, I picked up for $10 at a yard sale, which you can see in this post.

I came across this this morning & well apparently my 14 year old boy got activated, because the first thing I read in this advertisement is “because it’s silent.” & see everyone checkin’ out that girls ass.

“Gah, Brenda! Was that you?!”

“Jeepers! I don’t know!”

“Ugh… the smell…”

“My eyes!!!”

And they then all pass out.

And man, I LAUGHED at all that. Told ya that my 14 year old boy got activated. It happens. Probably more than it should since I am a 42 year old woman, but oh well.

I mentioned in this post how I was trying to get Echo to play the correct music for me. And I think I broke it. I mean, I say how I tried everything & finally landing on Seventies Metal, which seemed to really only play Sabbath. But the other day, I’m listening & it is Sabbath & then all of a sudden in the middle of cleaning the kitchen, I’m taken out of it because I hear, “A long, long time ago I can still remember…”

‘Wait a minute… this song… what?!’

You’ll even notice that it states Seventies Metal after the artist, but it also has a picture of there stating Thanksgiving Mix.

I mean, while it is the seventies, it certainly isn’t metal by any stretch of the word. They’ve also, since this, thrown in some steppin’ music. Music by black female artists, in the seventies, but it isn’t disco (& it certainly isn’t metal either.

Do people put these stations together, because “go home man, you’re drunk.”

I mean I mentioned the first time that they did play one song by KISS & one song by Alice Cooper. The next time they did… finally, play something by Priest & something of Dio, but come on! I know that seventies metal isn’t that thin on the ground that it’s all Sabbath all the time with random, non metal seventies things thrown in. What the hell is up with this station?

And while it might not technically be metal, you know that AC/DC & Van Halen (among others) certainly go in this mix as boys from the 70’s were listening to both AC/DC & Priest or both Sabbath & Van Halen. Or pick whatever 70’s hard rock you want to plug in there & mix in with the metal. I feel like a monkey could put together a better & more appropriate seventies metal station. Hell, this monkey could, since technically I am a monkey according to my Chinese astrological sign.

Hell, where is the 70’s Maiden or Iron Butterfly or Deep Purple or Nazareth or Thin Lizzy? Motörhead anyone? Blue Ă–yster Cult? Styx? Led fucking Zeppelin? It all crosses. Boys were listening to something of all of these bands… in the seventies.

Came across this advertisement for this mobile case, so it will look exactly like a blank cassette tape. Only, I don’t know anyone my age, or older, who would want this? You’d just look like a crazy person talking into a cassette tape. Or if I saw you out with this, I’d instinctively think that you are too young to understand how to listen to music through this. “Hey, man. You’re gonna need a Walkman for that, ya dig?”

Had me laughing!

Although, recently I saw this thing about this girl whose only, I think 20? & she totally digs the 80’s, so much so that it’s all her reality. Anything in her room is vintage 80’s. All her hair tools & clothes & make-up are either from the 80’s or are exact. I mean, that’s fucking commitment, man!

It’s cool that she likes the 80’s SO much, but even me, who grew up then, & who loves it that much, isn’t going to go through all that trouble to try & accurately recreate that decade (or any decade). I mean, I kind of do, in my own way. Seeing things that I like, & do remind me of the 80’s & then mashing it all together to recreate the 80’s I want.

Actually, I’m just creating the reality that I want, which happens to include the 80’s (mainly the early – mid 80’s), but I spring for other decades & time periods as well. While it is fun to think that I could trip people out, thinking I’m a time traveler & there’s some portal around here & I just jumped outta 1983, I also don’t want to only be Miss 1983 forever, ya dig?

It reminds me of those MCM fanatics. I dig Mid Century Modern, but to purchase a house from the time period & use all your time & funds to recreate the house to almost museum standards, with actual, vintage boxes & cans & labels from the time period? Well, it’s… a bit fucking much. If it’s not crowded, then their house will look pretty cool, but that is just too much for me.

I want my house to be me, with everything I like. Not some time capsule to 1958 or 1981 or whatever. I’m not dedicated enough to be a time capsule kinda gal, right?

I’d rather have that MCM record player/radio, but with my 80’s vinyl next to it & a ’70’s lamp on top. That sort of deal.

I guess I’m an all over the place sort of gal. I mean, I am a person who knows a lot about a lot of things, but I don’t seem to know everything about one thing. It’s why I can spot languages based on how they are written or spoken, without knowing the languages, or how I know some of a few languages, but am not fluent in a single one (English… is debatable as to how fluent I am in this. Considering I don’t understand English language terms like involuntary irregular verbs or terms like that. It’s a wonder I can cobble a sentence together (& can I really, even? Considering that fellow native English speakers always say I put things together weird use the wrong inflections & everything’s just so… wrong.)

I mean I kind of even suck over on Duolingo, because I can’t translate some of the sentences from Spanish into English because I simply don’t know how to English properly. Spanish knows how to English better than I do, y’all!

But it’s not just languages, it’s just about any topic from medical procedures, to helping cats birth kittens, to how many years a dirty diaper will disintegrate (500 years. And how do I know this instead of basic maths? Man, my brain sure knows how to utilize information properly, right?), to historical dates, to fashion & costuming (historically), to serial killers, to auto mechanics, to film magicks, to historical wars & weapons. You name it, & I’ll know something about it. I’m interested in a lot of thins, not just one subject.

Saw a lady at the grocery store yesterday. Her & her fella had just walked in & by the buggy corral at the entrance were watermelons. She saw those, clasped her hands together & to her breast, swooned, & said, “We should get a watermelon….” in a dreamy voice with hearts for eyes. Her fella, just grabbed a buggy & reached to pick one up.

She acted like they were choosing a kid at the orphanage or agreeing to be married. I’ve never looked at food that way. Perhaps cupcakes or a pineapple, but my face will light up, & I don’t think I swoon) & I just decide I want that & put it in the buggy.

They… they also may have been high. Which does make the story far funnier. But still.

But I witness interesting things. I don’t even think other people experience all these weird things.

Raise your hands if you never wanna show your boobs off but somehow people end up seeing them at random occasions & become entranced by them & say in reverent tones, “Your boobs are soooo pretty….” or “I’ve never really been so close to boobs with such a gravitational pull before.”

Or straight girls who are A cups just checkin’ out your chest while your dressed. But staring like some guy would? Go on raise your hands. Is it just me? Because I’m startin’ to feel like it is.

Or raise your hands if you’ve been told… in a really odd way… that you look like you could be a cannibal. Confused? Here’s how odd.

“In clothes… no you don’t look like you would eat people, but in your bikini, yes.”

It’s not like we hadn’t barely just touched on the subject, because we had just nonchalantly said something about cannibalism, but seriously that still came outta left field, y’all! I looked down at my bikini’d self sitting in that chair & was still confused. Was it because I have a belly & that’s showing so I look like I’m full of the long pig goodness?

Nope. Lil’ Small (because, of course, it was my older sister stating this) said that wasn’t it at all. It’s basically that in a bikini I look wild. Umm.. That makes no sense. It’s not like she’s not seen me in my underthings before. It’s no uncommon for us to have fashion shows after purchasing clothes & mostly we just change in the same room & will be in various states of undress. A bikini & a set of panties & a bra are basically the same thing.

Perhaps it was because I was sporting my zebra striped bikini bottoms & this hot pink top that stupidly ties in the front & is one size too small (thrift store), so it’s like the 80’s version of a stone age woman that was makin’ her think I look wild & would eat people?

It’s a you had to be here moment, but I totally did just slap my belly while saying “Man taste good.” then growled while flexing. Then remembering I’m the 80’s version, altered that to, “Like totally for sure, Man tastes good.” while slapping my belly & grunting.

Both made me laugh.

“We should for sure go to the mall later. Find some boys. I’m hungry.” “Gah Tiffany, we can’t, like, drag that one home!”

Yep. Oh & just to state. I have absolutely no interest in eating people. I had nightmares about cannibals when I was really young, but also the thought of skinning, bleeding, & deboning anything is off putting to me. I don’t eat meat on the bones. Like ribs, pork ribs. I won’t put that to my mouth & have my teeth rip the flesh off. I don’t like my teeth touching bone. I quickly pull all the meat off & try not to think that there is bone there.

Dad made me cut up a whole, raw chicken once. He was at work & called me on the phone here at home, because he knew I’d just gotten home from school. Apparently he had a hankerin’ for chicken & dumplins that night, but needed the chicken cooked. I almost vomited trying to unwrap that thing, with it’s defrosted, slippery, & tender fleshy bits & the sharp bones in there.

He really should just had me cook the entire damn thing & then he could debone it later, but he said (& I was thirteen & had never worked with chicken before) to pull all the parts off (like the legs & wings) & cut it up first, then cook it. Well, if I don’t like my teeth grazing bone, I certainly don’t wanna touch bones in raw skin or hear them snapping from the joints.

So, I took out our largest knife, the butcher knife we never use (which probably wasn’t sharp), covered my eyes, & like Merrell from Signs, I jus swung away. Dad was so upset when he got home. “What the hell did you do to the chicken?! This looks like a wild dog got ahold of it!”. But I was barred from chicken things to this day, so score one for me.

This is why I couldn’t be a mortician. I mean, I’m not gonna prepare my own meat. Killing, bleeding, skinning, gutting, & all that jazz. I’ll only go so far with working with & preparing animal flesh, as in deboned chicken breast pork, or ground beef or boneless steak.

Now, I’m not gonna eat people & I realize a mortician would never need to skin a human, but hear me out. There are “gross” things that morticians (or people that perform autopsies) need to do that don’t bother me. At all. These things include cutting into skin, pulling the innards out & handling them, glueing eye caps to eye lids, exsanguination, sewing skin, fixing the body section that will be viewed from a horrible accident. None of this bothers me in the slightest… pertaining to humans. You want me to cut that pig open & pull it’s innards out & I’m gonna vomit, no matter how bad I want bacon later.

Anyways. I did seriously look into mortician school, but my hell no’s were plugging up holes, which include vagina’s & assholes. I get it, dead humans leak, but no thank you. And also if the body is in some state of rigor mortis, well… you have to put it into a position that will fit in a coffin. This is mainly the legs. They’ll either need to fit in that coffin or you’re on a time schedule & need to plug up those holes… STAT. So, breaking the legs at the hip joints is not uncommon.

Oh fuck no!

But back to… eatin’ people… since ya know, there isn’t a human butcher who’ll cut that long pig however you want or debone it or a chef cookin’ it up for you, well, that’s already a fucking hell no. But that’s not my only reason. I just have no desire to even taste human flesh. That’s not my thing, man. If push came to shove & we were starving, I’d gladly eat a human before I ever ate a cat (because I really like cats, & I don’t want to have to kill one to eat it to survive).

I’ve already told my family this. But we’re not one’s to shy away from life things, no matter how far-fetched. What would we do during an alien invasion or if we were all starving, to actually discussing death & what we want done with our remains. So, I’ve pondered it in an end of the world scenario, but no… I’m not gonna fucking eat people, regardless of bones in meat or innards or skinning or whatever or the nightmares I had as a kid.

And this one right here is a trope in films & on telly. You’ll see a scene with people discussing if they’d ever eat another human being. It’s not… common place, this type of scene discussion, but it happens. I’ve seen it at least eight times. Other taboo subjects? Forget about it. I’ve never heard that discussed. Like if one would be a serial killer, or how they’d kill a person (sometimes how they’d take their own life might be discussed in a film, in an easy conversation, but that’s less than cannibalism). And really the only time that death is discussed is in sad films where the person is going to die & they have discuss plans with their family or whatever. It’s never easy talking, ya dig?

Why is this? I’m sure there are people out there who discuss these things in a philosophical manner, ya know as opposed to… instructional, yet it’s not being put into the social circuit with films & telly. Basically these taboo subjects might be discussed to some small limit, but they are not as prevalent in the entertainment circuit as cannibalism is.

And on that note, we’ll just skip on over sexy women. There was this thing, the thing on the left that I saw, where you’re to draw her in your own style. I’ve been feelin’ the itch to draw, & I realized it’s almost been a year since I picked up a pen. I find that I keep only doing the Spooky Drawings during October.

So, yesterday I pulled out my stuff & tackled this, which obviously is the first picture. So, I’m not big on ribs showin’, which is that lump under her left breast & honestly I would never put a girl into this outfit as I think it’s stupid & not sexy at all.

I mean she’s showin’ skin in mine (like the sides of the upper portion of that “outfit”) & she’s got the heart pasties or whatever & illusion to girl parts below, but I don’t like this sheer, frilly jumper/apron thing. And the fluffy heart she’s holding behind her back. Why? Like why’s she holding that? Is she going to spank the guy with it? Is he going to spank her? Isn’t it assumed that she is, in fact, the Valentine on offer & a large heart isn’t really needed?

I didn’t even realize how much I hated this look until I was having to recreate it. But I did the task & then wanted to draw what I find sexy. She, uh, could (should) be bigger in the bottom half, but sometimes when I draw you just get what you get.

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